Freelance Projects

Villa di Jogja Landing Page and Admin CMS

Villa di Jogja Landing Page and Admin CMS Villa di Jogja Landing Page and Admin CMS

Villa di Jogja is a landing page and admin CMS for villa rental in Yogyakarta. This project is built using the CodeIgniter 4 framework and MySQL database.

Tech Stack:

  • CodeIgniter 4
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap 5

Purchase Order System

Purchase Order System Purchase Order System Purchase Order System

Purchase Order System is a web-based application for managing purchase orders. This project is built using the Laravel framework and MySQL database.

Tech Stack:

  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap 5

Personal Projects

CAVIAR (Crosswalk Assistance App for the Visually Impaired Peoples) API

CAVIAR API Architecture

This is API for CAVIAR (Crosswalk Assistance App for the Visually Impaired Peoples) Android App.

This API feature searching nearby crosswalks based on user’s location. This API also feature CRUD for crosswalks data.

This API is built using the Node.js Express framework and MySQL database. Deployed on Google Cloud Cloud Run Serverless and using Google Cloud SQL for the database.

CAVIAR API Github Repository

Tech Stack:

  • Node.js deployed on Google Cloud Cloud Run Serverless
  • Express.js
  • MySQL on Google Cloud SQL

Medshop (E-Commerce Toko Alat Kesehatan)

Medshop Medshop Medshop

Medshop is an e-commerce website for selling health equipment. This project is built using the Laravel framework and MySQL database. It’s include features such as product catalog, shopping cart, checkout, and also admin CMS for managing products, orders, and users.

Tech Stack:

  • Laravel 10 with Fortify and Laravel UI
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap 5